IDCUS provides planning, program management, engineering, construction engineering and inspection services for freeways, highways, major thoroughfares, urban roadways, and transit facilities for federal, state, county, municipal, and toll road agencies.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
MoreIDCUS’s construction coordination and supervision capabilities emphasize close interaction with contractors, which is essential to achieve cost, quality, and schedule objectives for a wide range of transportation and infrastructure projects.
15915 Katy Freeway,
Suite 300
Houston, Texas 77094
tel: 713.541.5591
fax: 713.541.3501
8632 Fredericksburg Road,
Suite 200
San Antonio, Texas 78240
tel: 210.448.1800
fax: 210.448.1829
11130 Jollyville Rd.,
Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78759
tel: 512.617.8595
fax: 512.617.8596