Pinemont Drive Widening & Reconstruction, Houston, TX

Pinemont Drive Widening & Reconstruction, Houston, TX
Client: City of Houston

This project involves reconstructing approximately 1.2 miles of Pinemont Drive from Ella Boulevard to North Shepherd Drive. Proposed improvements include reconstructing an existing 2-lane asphalt roadway with roadside ditch to a 4-lane concrete pavement with curb, sidewalk, wheelchair ramps, raised center medians with left turn lanes, and storm sewers. This project also includes the reconstruction of driveways, TV inspection of storm sewers and sanitary sewers, design surveys, TDLR plan review and inspection, and utility adjustments. Right-of-way acquisition is required to provide the 80-foot minimum right of way. This project will evaluate the impacts of proposed improvements on the existing drainage system and outfall. This project will also evaluate the existing intersection signals to determine the improvements and upgrades as needed. The project was a MPO federally funded initiative. IDC performed preliminary engineering, PS&E, construction management and inspection services.