Mueschke Road Widening and Extension from Juergen Road to SH 99/Grand Parkway, Houston, Harris County, Texas.

Mueschke Road Widening and Extension from Juergen Road to SH 99/Grand Parkway, Houston, Harris County, Texas.
Client: Harris County Public Infrastructure Dept.

Full TxDOT coordination was provided on this project for Harris County.  The project provided for a Route Study Report, Environmental Site Assessment, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report, Traffic Study and final Bid Documents and Plans for the Re-Route of Mueschke Road.  The project consists of the widening and relocation of Mueschke Road to connect the stub-out provided by Mueschke Segment 5 south of Bauer Hockley Road, to the proposed Grand Parkway crossing of Mueschke Road.  The new location facility will be a curb and gutter, 4-lane boulevard with raised grass median following the Harris County design criteria, with 12-foot lanes, 32-foot median, 100-foot ROW corridor and a 45 mph design speed.  A 4-lane boulevard stub-out with a transition will be provided for Juergen Road.