The scope of this project includes planning, alternative analysis, preliminary engineering, preparation of schematics, environmental assessment, ROW mapping, geotechnical investigation, drainage study (hydrology and hydraulics), public involvement, and agency coordination. Final design will include preparing PS&E for roadways, drainage, bridges, TCP, and signalization.
The project extends from the west on SH 288 heading east to FM 523 along the south side of the City of Angleton in Brazoria County. It includes widening existing CR 220 from 2-lanes to 4-lanes from SH 288 approximately 2.9 miles to east of Business 288; then adding 4 new lanes for approximately 1.2 miles of new roadway alignment to connect to FM 523. The roadway improvements include ROW acquisitions, a major structural bridge crossing of Old Angleton Road and the Union Pacific Rail Road, a controlled intersection at existing Business 288, crossing of numerous Angleton Drainage District facilities and CR 403, until finally intersecting at FM 523, to complete a southern loop around the City of Angleton.
The $29 million project was 70% funded by TxDOT, designed to TxDOT standards, and includes 250 feet wide of ROW along the 4-mile long CR 220 corridor. The project is planned to be developed as a TxDOT on-system FM/Loop roadway.