IDCUS, as a subconsultant, performed engineering design services in support of preparing PS&E for rural and urban projects throughout the south region of TxDOT. IDCUS’s first assignment was the IH 410 Ramp Reversal project in southwest San Antonio for the TxDOT San Antonio District. IDCUS prepared complex traffic control plans and construction sequencing plans, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan designs and details for this $1 Million PS&E project to reverse two-freeway ramps along southbound IH 410 and added an auxiliary lane and sidewalks along the southbound frontage road. The overall scope of services included roadway design, hydrologic and hydraulic design; signing, pavement marking, illumination; pedestrian or sidewalk designs; utility coordination; cost estimating; and other miscellaneous services needed to support PS&E designs. IDCUS also coordinated with utility companies to obtain existing utility information, and prepared a utility tracking report (UTR) to itemize each utility and determine any conflicts with the proposed design. IDCUS also led the utility coordination meetings. Close coordination with CPS Energy (Gas and Electric), AT&T, and SAWS helped to avoid all utilities adjustments on the project. Design for this project was completed in 8 weeks.